Publications (non-commercial)
Listed here are non-commercial publications produced by various dedicated clubs and societies. If you know of any more please inform the assistant webmaster. Needs Checking - 2024
Arquebusier - Pike & Shot Society - covering the Renaissance period.
Foreign Correspondent - "The newsletter of the Continental Wars Society - 19th & 20thC.
No website - contact author by email. [not tested]
Hobilar - Lance & Longbow Society - Medieval period (mainly UK).
Lone Warrior - Solo Wargamers Association - adaptations from boardgames, home-grown rules & variants.
Nugget - Wargame Developments - free download of back issues no longer available - pictures of modern armour & experimental rules.
Slingshot - Society of Ancients - Ancients and early Medieval - 344 [Feb 23]
Soldiers of the Queen - Victorian Military Society - British colonial history & wargaming.
The 15 Mill Magazine - Peter Pig - on its 15th edition - free to download
Arquebusier - Pike & Shot Society - covering the Renaissance period.
Foreign Correspondent - "The newsletter of the Continental Wars Society - 19th & 20thC.
No website - contact author by email. [not tested]
Hobilar - Lance & Longbow Society - Medieval period (mainly UK).
Lone Warrior - Solo Wargamers Association - adaptations from boardgames, home-grown rules & variants.
Nugget - Wargame Developments - free download of back issues no longer available - pictures of modern armour & experimental rules.
Slingshot - Society of Ancients - Ancients and early Medieval - 344 [Feb 23]
Soldiers of the Queen - Victorian Military Society - British colonial history & wargaming.
The 15 Mill Magazine - Peter Pig - on its 15th edition - free to download