Here are 5 rule sets written by our members - free for you to download (click on the appropriate picture):
Several of our members enjoy writing and amending rules and frequently put on games using the results at club. In addition to the five sets above we have seen games of ACW, naval; WW2 air, land and sea; Pike & Shot and Sci-Fi put on with 'home grown' rules.
Occasionally games will take place to try out new ideas, these are usually between two of the rules experimenters in the club. The most recent such development game trialed a set of post WW2 rules focusing on command and control problems.
...and some useful websites where you can find even more FREE rules:
Ancient Skirmishes - ancients and early medieval
Armchair General
Bob Cordery - he of "Nugget" fame has a number of free rules available to download.
Cpt Kremmnen's Wargames Page
Colonial Wargames Rules - scroll down past the commercial rules for the 'freebies'
Epic Wargaming - 'alternative' ancients/medieval/fantasy - rules & paper figures
Free Wargames Rules - just been updated to a Wiki.
Grognard - rules and scenarios
HisEntCo - 18C, Med, etc
Jackon Gamers' Home rule sets
Jim Wallman
Miniature Wargaming - German site (in English) - rules, scenarios, flags, etc
Nap Nuts - Singapore Wargamers - Ancient naval, Napoleonic, Sci-Fi, Western Gunfighters plus H & M
Naval Wargames Society - scenarios & rules (downloads section)
Perfect Captain - a series of rules covering ancients/medieval/AWOI/ RCW plus a 'universal' campaign system
Petite Guerre - Familia Gladiatoria, Iron & Steam (ACW naval), la Pettite Guerre (FIW), Obsidian Blade (SA), Oceanus Strategoi
(Ancient naval) & Splendid Little Warriors (AIW)
Sheffield Uni - Wargaming Scenarios & Rules - modern, Napoleonic, SCW, Colonial
Singapore Wargamers - Napoleonic, Ancient naval, Sci-Fi, Western Gunfight, Horse & Musket
The Stronghold Rebuilt - WW1 Aerial, Gladiatorial, ACW naval, Mexican Revolution, ACW, Super Heroes, One Hour Wargames variants (ECW & GNW), SA Liberation; campaigns, scenarios & paper models
Tyneside Wargames Club - variety of periods covered
Wargames Miscellany - colonial & modern
Occasionally games will take place to try out new ideas, these are usually between two of the rules experimenters in the club. The most recent such development game trialed a set of post WW2 rules focusing on command and control problems.
...and some useful websites where you can find even more FREE rules:
Ancient Skirmishes - ancients and early medieval
Armchair General
Bob Cordery - he of "Nugget" fame has a number of free rules available to download.
Cpt Kremmnen's Wargames Page
Colonial Wargames Rules - scroll down past the commercial rules for the 'freebies'
Epic Wargaming - 'alternative' ancients/medieval/fantasy - rules & paper figures
Free Wargames Rules - just been updated to a Wiki.
Grognard - rules and scenarios
HisEntCo - 18C, Med, etc
Jackon Gamers' Home rule sets
Jim Wallman
Miniature Wargaming - German site (in English) - rules, scenarios, flags, etc
Nap Nuts - Singapore Wargamers - Ancient naval, Napoleonic, Sci-Fi, Western Gunfighters plus H & M
Naval Wargames Society - scenarios & rules (downloads section)
Perfect Captain - a series of rules covering ancients/medieval/AWOI/ RCW plus a 'universal' campaign system
Petite Guerre - Familia Gladiatoria, Iron & Steam (ACW naval), la Pettite Guerre (FIW), Obsidian Blade (SA), Oceanus Strategoi
(Ancient naval) & Splendid Little Warriors (AIW)
Sheffield Uni - Wargaming Scenarios & Rules - modern, Napoleonic, SCW, Colonial
Singapore Wargamers - Napoleonic, Ancient naval, Sci-Fi, Western Gunfight, Horse & Musket
The Stronghold Rebuilt - WW1 Aerial, Gladiatorial, ACW naval, Mexican Revolution, ACW, Super Heroes, One Hour Wargames variants (ECW & GNW), SA Liberation; campaigns, scenarios & paper models
Tyneside Wargames Club - variety of periods covered
Wargames Miscellany - colonial & modern