Fora (the plural of Forum - damn Romans again!)
Texts in LIGHT BLUE are links to external sites.
Reviewed & Corrected - 10.12.20
Texts in LIGHT BLUE are links to external sites.
Reviewed & Corrected - 10.12.20
Armchair General - Ancients to Colonial [now membership only]
Cardboard Warriors Forum - a useful site showing development of cardboard figures, buildings, vehicles etc. [active Dec 20]
Fanaticus Forum - dedicated to DBA and HotT [active Dec 20]
Gripping Beast - for Saga plus Musket & Tomahawk. [Now concentrates on Swordpoint & Milites Mundi - Oct 20]
GWP3 - various periods with their own pages. [Currently Read Only - most recent entry 2015]
Impetus Forum - dedicated to the 'Basic Impetus' & 'Impetus' rules. [active]
Lead Adventure Forum - various periods. [active Dec 20]
Society of Ancients - Ancients & Medieval forum [active]
TMP - The Miniatures Page - again various periods. [active]
The Very British Civil Forum - "A VBCW and Interwar Gaming Discussion Board for Decent Chaps ." [active]
Victorian Wars Forum - useful resource for British colonial wars research (mid 19th - Early 20th century). [seems to be inactive]
Cardboard Warriors Forum - a useful site showing development of cardboard figures, buildings, vehicles etc. [active Dec 20]
Fanaticus Forum - dedicated to DBA and HotT [active Dec 20]
Gripping Beast - for Saga plus Musket & Tomahawk. [Now concentrates on Swordpoint & Milites Mundi - Oct 20]
GWP3 - various periods with their own pages. [Currently Read Only - most recent entry 2015]
Impetus Forum - dedicated to the 'Basic Impetus' & 'Impetus' rules. [active]
Lead Adventure Forum - various periods. [active Dec 20]
Society of Ancients - Ancients & Medieval forum [active]
TMP - The Miniatures Page - again various periods. [active]
The Very British Civil Forum - "A VBCW and Interwar Gaming Discussion Board for Decent Chaps ." [active]
Victorian Wars Forum - useful resource for British colonial wars research (mid 19th - Early 20th century). [seems to be inactive]