ancients & medieval

DBM used to 'reign supreme' but has now been relegated to third spot behind TTS & DBMM.
The full electronic (pdf) version of DBM 3.2 is available from [here]
Some DBM 3.3 & 3.4 House Rules are available [here]
If you need to convert a DBMM army list to DBM this document may help.
The full electronic (pdf) version of DBM 3.2 is available from [here]
Some DBM 3.3 & 3.4 House Rules are available [here]
If you need to convert a DBMM army list to DBM this document may help.

DBMM - although initially strongly resisted this set is now more popular than its 'older brother'.

TTS - To The Strongest has certainly become the most popular 'ancients' rules set over the past year or two.
It benefits from not needing strict numbers on the bases. In addition the grid type play is more flexible than many other sets.
It benefits from not needing strict numbers on the bases. In addition the grid type play is more flexible than many other sets.
Billhooks - Wars of the Roses
DBA - Still popular as a 'fill-in' game.
DBA - Still popular as a 'fill-in' game.